CFP: [Victorian] RMMLA Women's Caucus: Female Autonomy

full name / name of organization: 
Cheryl Hindrichs

Please join us for the 2008 Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association to be held in Reno, Nevada on October
9-11. This year's Women's Caucus Seminar theme is "Female Autonomy." We
are seeking papers on ‘texts’ from various cultures/periods that discuss
female autonomy - some represent emancipation as an individuation
process, others as a form of indoctrination. How do women (authors and
characters) understand autonomy? Proposals for 15-minute papers are
sought from scholars working in all areas of literature, film, and gender

Please forward 250-350 word paper proposals, including title,
professional affiliation, addresses (especially e-mail), and phone number
by March 19, 2008. Electronic submissions are encouraged. Notification of
acceptance of the paper will be sent no later than March 31, 2008.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Sat Mar 01 2008 - 12:52:41 EST
