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CFP: Walking Around in the Space of Consumption and Segregation: Examining Place in Language and Literature / Deadline: Oct 15

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 8:41pm
Plaza: Dialogues in Language and Literature / University of Houston Graduate Literary Journal

We are currently seeking student-written articles and creative works that examine the role of place in literature, composition studies, folklore, cultural studies, language studies, and gender studies.]

Linda Flower complicates the idea of "place" as only a silent object of discourse in her introduction to City Comp, saying that "writing is not merely situated in and shaped by its time and place, but … the writer's sense of that time and place is the source of meanings, motivations, and identities." Whether discussing the city or country, we recognize the importance of place, both the physical space and the encoded values associated with it, in reflecting and creating identity and ideas.

RSA 2012: Imagined Bodies of the Italian Wars (6/9/11)

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 4:43pm
Jessica Goethals

The Italian Wars, Francesco Guicciardini writes, not only kept dominions in flux and cities in peril but also introduced "new fashions, new customs, new and bloody forms of warfare, and unknown diseases." In art, literature, theater, historiography, propaganda, military arts, and the popular imagination, these wars signaled a political and cultural ground shift (in Italy and in Europe), changes often contemplated through the imagined body. This panel invites papers that explore the roles that gender, violence, cultural confrontation, imagination, the sacred, and the body (broadly construed) play in these decades of clash, upheaval, and adaptation. Contributions from all fields/cultures are welcome.

NeMLA 2012: (Dis)covering Identity: Marginalized Citizens during Times of Transition

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 2:59pm
Jill Gonzalez / Safiya Maouelainin

Since the 16th century, communities in Spain and Latin America have been persecuted for their religious and political beliefs, from the moriscos in Spain and indigenous groups in Latin America to the opponents of the Spanish and Latin American dictatorships. This panel will explore the way in which marginalized groups re-determine their identity in societies undergoing major political and social changes. Please submit 300-500 word abstracts in English or Spanish to Jill González and Safiya Maouelainin at jmb06@bu.edu.

NEMLA 2011 PANEL: Latin American Theatrical Works: A Voice For Social Change?

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 2:56pm
NEMLA http://www.nemla.org/convention/2012/cfp.html

This panel seeks papers on Latin American theatrical works as mediums of socially accepted resistance and politically charged art forms. The panel will consider proposals analyzing plays and performances that challenge governments, inequities, and the status quo. What is it about these plays that connect them so profoundly with human rights? How is society represented in these dramatic texts? Proposals submissions and inquiries should be sent electronically (Microsoft Word Format, 250 words)

NEMLA: March 15-18, 2012, Rochester, NY: Call for papers - Obscenity, Violence, and Humor in the Eighteenth-Century Novel

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 1:43pm
Kathleen Alves/City University of New York

This panel will examine eighteenth-century British fiction and the relationship between violence, obscenity and humor. Novelists' use of the obscene joke is a tempered way to suppress the blurring lines of distinction between classes and to maintain hierarchy, a direct response to the changes in society and to the increasing sensitivity to vulgar subjects in polite society. This panel is interested in discovering how authors mobilize social anxiety through violence, obscenity and humor.

Representing Eire: Ideology in Irish Cinema from John Ford to John Carney, NeMLA March 15-18, 2012

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 12:51pm

While the Abbey Theatre is perhaps the most familiar public context through which the nationalistic and aesthetic struggle to shape an identity for a (post)colonial Ireland was formed, expatriate Irish used the bourgeoning film industry to represent Ireland from an international perspective. Recent commercial successes have ranged from the international co-production of The Wind That Shakes the Barley, winning British director Ken Loach a Palme d'Or, to the Dublin grassroots construction of John Carney's Oscar-winning Once, but awards aside, a tension still exists between the Ireland of filming destination and the Ireland of film origination.

Short Film Studies

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 12:09pm
Intellect Books

Short Film Studies is a peer-reviewed journal designed to stimulate ongoing research on individual short films as a basis for a better understanding of the art form as a whole. In each issue, two or three
short films will be selected for comprehensive study, with articles illuminating each film from a varietyof perspectives. These are the works that will be singled out for close study in Short Film Studies Vol. 2, Number 2:

Director: Aleksander Nordaas
Norway, 2008, 9 min, science fiction/experimental

"Rethinking Seneca's Influence on Early Modern Drama" (09/30/2011; NEMLA, Rochester NY: 03/15-18)

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 11:26am
Nicola Imbracsio/ University of New Hampshire

For years, scholars have demonstrated the debt that Kyd, Marlowe, Shakespeare, and other playwrights owe to Seneca's work. Such foundational criticism has often pointed to Seneca's plot devices, characterization, language, and form that inspired later Renaissance dramatists. However, recent scholarship demonstrates Seneca's effect on early modern subject construction and performance conditions. This panel aims to continue and extend current reconsiderations of Seneca's influence on early modern drama by gathering papers that "rethink" Seneca's works and influence in light of feminist, queer, post-colonial, and materialist theoretical perspectives.

Picturing Childhood: A Symposium on Children's Literature and Psychoanalysis. Saturday, September 29, 2012.

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 10:03am
Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania

Featured Author and Illustrator: David Small.
This symposium will provide an opportunity for explorations of a variety of themes related to the interplay of words and pictures in childrens' literature and literature about childhood: memory, dreams, trauma, creativity, as well as the visual imagining of the child's body and family are potential topics for discussion. It will provide a forum for papers on David Small's work in particular and for both the theoretical and clinical aspects of psychoanalysis as they relate to the visual and literary worlds of childhood. Academics, psychoanalysts, graduate students and psychoanalytic candidates are encouraged to submit papers.