journals and collections of essays

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CFP: SCOPE: Conference Reports (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, January 18, 2002 - 5:31pm
Rayna Denison

Scope ( is a fully refereed online journal
of film studies edited by staff and research students at the University of
Nottingham's Institute of Film Studies. We are seeking conference reports of
around 1000-1500 words to be included in forthcoming issues, particularly
from the events listed below. We also welcome reports from other film, media
and cultural studies conferences.

Please send all submissions and queries to Rayna Denison, Conference Reports

Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Conference (02/13-17/02,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)

UPDATE: Contemporary British Writers (book series)

Tuesday, January 8, 2002 - 3:44pm
Daniel Lea



Due to phenomenal interest, Manchester University Press invites further
proposals for the Contemporary British Writers Series. The Editor and
Press continue to welcome proposals for monographs (50-85,000 words) on
the following writers:

Beryl Bainbridge Iain Banks

Pat Barker Anthony Burgess

A.S. Byatt Ian McEwan

Brian Moore Irvine Welsh

(Deadline for proposals on the above - 31st January 2002)

In addition we encourage proposals on the following authors:

Peter Ackroyd Martin Amis

J.G. Ballard Angela Carter

CFP: Literature and Medicine (journal)

Friday, December 14, 2001 - 6:34pm
james scott zimmerman


LITERATURE AND MEDICINE is a journal devoted to exploring interfaces between
literary and medical knowledge and understanding. Issues of illness,
health, medical science, violence, and the body are examined through
literary and cultural texts. Our readership includes scholars of
literature, history, and critical theory, as well as health professionals.

CFP: IMPULSO: various topics (Brazil) (journal)

Friday, December 14, 2001 - 6:34pm

IMPULSO is a quarterly journal published by the Methodist University of
Piracicaba - UNIMEP (Sao Paulo, Brazil). It features scholarly articles,
analytical studies and book reviews on the humanities, society and
culture in general. Each issue is dedicated to a general theme and the
last editions have been dedicated to themes such as Social Exclusion,
Freud, Culture and Communication, Nietzsche, Modernity and

The next issues will deal with the following themes:

- Political-Economic Integration: New continental Blocks
  Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2002

- Law and Globalization
  Deadline for submissions: February 11, 2002

CFP: Near East Review (journal)

Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 8:43pm

NEAR EAST REVIEW -- A Journal of International Poetry & Literature

CFP: Partial Answers: A Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas (journal)

Thursday, December 6, 2001 - 9:03pm
Leona Toker

Partial Answers: A Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas

Call for Papers

Partial Answers, a biannual journal sponsored by the School of Literatures
of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is devoted to the interdisciplinary
study of literature and the history of ideas. It welcomes contributions
that explore the ways in which

CFP: Contemporary British Writers (book series)

Wednesday, November 28, 2001 - 6:25pm
Daniel Lea




Manchester University Press is proud to announce the launch of a new
series dedicated to the critical appraisal of recent British fiction.
The Contemporary British Writers Series will reflect the breadth and
diversity of writing in Britain over the last thirty years, and will
provide critical evaluations of established, emerging and neglected
authors. Building on the success of the Press's Contemporary World
Writers, this series offers an exciting opportunity for the
interrogation of notions of the contemporary and for the analysis of
current and developing modes of representation.

CFP: American Popular Culture, 1900-present (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - 7:24pm

The Journal of American Popular Culture

Americana is currently accepting submissions for its peer-reviewed
e-journal, published at

Please send submissions to


1) Articles must be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text
(containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact
information), and both must be formatted in Microsoft Word.

2) Articles must follow MLA guidelines.

CFP: Asian American Literary Studies (book series)

Friday, November 9, 2001 - 6:43pm

>Manuscripts are sought for a new series published by
>LIT Verlag (Berlin), entitled CAALS (Contributions to
>Asian American Literary Studies). This series of
>monographs or collections of essays is the first of
>its kind edited in Europe and aims to create an
>international forum for the interdisciplinary
>discussion of Asian American Literary Studies.
>Contextualizing the Asian American experience in

CFP: Discourses in Dance (journal)

Friday, November 9, 2001 - 6:38pm
Alex Beech

A new journal from Laban Centre London in 2002
redefining dance research

Volume 1 2002


Susan Leigh Foster
Ramsay Burt

Subscribe now

Discourses in Dance

Aims and scope

DISCOURSES IN DANCE is an international, peer-reviewed, bi-annual journal
covering research in the field of dance and related areas. The Journal
aims to promote the development of dance research in the international
academic field. Articles address the rapidly expanding discipline of dance
studies as it is developing through scholarly and artistic forms of dance

CFP: Lingua Romana (e-journal)

Friday, November 2, 2001 - 8:57pm
Scott M Sprenger

Lingua Romana--a new e-journal devoted to the study of
linguistic, literary and/or cultural issues pertaining to France, Italy
and/or Romania--is seeking submissions for its inaugural issue
in spring of 2002. We will also consider English-speaking
representations of romance-language cultural issues.
Send articles of no longer than 20 manuscript pages to the
Editor, Lingua Romana, 4022 JKHB, BYU, Provo, Utah 84602. 
Electronic submissions can be sent by attachment to:  We are also looking for book reviews
(of recent literature, criticism, philosophy) and movie reviews. 
Please inquire before submitting reviews.

CFP: SCOPE: Conference Reports (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, November 2, 2001 - 8:38pm
Jeongmee Kim

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies (we're at http//
www. film) edited by staff and postgraduate students
within the Institute of Film Studies at the University of Nottingham, is
looking for conference reports of about 1000-1500 words to be included in
forthcoming issues. We're seeking contributions on the events listed
below, but we also welcome reports on other relevant conferences in film,
media and cultural studies.

Reports, queries and expressions of interest should be sent to Jeongmee
Kim, Conference Reports Editor;

· Cosmopolitan Cinema: Hollywood and Asia: American Studies Association Conference (11/8-11/01, Washington DC)

CFP: torquere: Queer Studies (Canada) (ongoing; journal)

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 5:49pm
Rachel Warburton

Please distribute

*torquere* warmly invites submissions of completed scholarly papers
or creative writing to be published in our forthcoming issues.

UPDATE: Black Diaspora Drama Biographies (no deadline noted; database)

Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 5:14pm
Jeremy Caleb Johnson

(This announcement updates a prior announcement; 80+ authors still

Biographical Entries Sought: Black Diaspora Drama

Alexander Street Press seeks short biographical entries for inclusion in its
BLACK DRAMA database.

Alexander Street Press--an electronic publishing firm noted for its Civil
War Letters and Diaries and for North American Women’s Letters and
Diaries--is publishing a full-text searchable database titled BLACK DRAMA.
Integrating rare, hard-to-find plays and popular, widely-produced plays by
Blacks and about Blacks, BLACK DRAMA encompasses the work of playwrights
from the U.K., the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada, and Anglophone Africa.

CFP: In Medias Res: An Electronic Journal for the Public Intellectual (11/10/01 & ongoing; e-journal)

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 8:21pm
Conseula Francis

In Medias Res: An Electronic Journal for the Public Intellectual provides a
forum for intellectuals, academics and artists alike, to comment on
influential issues and important events in the world as they happen.

The editors are seeking brief considered pieces from a variety of
perspectives and disciplines, as well as reviews of recently published
books, art exhibits, theatrical performances, musical recordings, films and
so on.

Submissions are accepted throughout the year. To be considered for the
inaugural issue, pieces (less than 1250 words) must be received no later
than Nov. 1, 2001.

All submissions and submission queries should be addressed to

CFP: Early Theatre (journal)

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 - 10:02pm
Helen Ostovich

Early Theatre 4 (2001) is now printed and being mailed out to
subscribers. Subsequent volumes of this journal will appear in two
issues, spring and fall. We invite the submission of note-length or
article length essays for the coming issues.

CFP: Journal of Indo-Canadian Studies (journal)

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 5:29pm
Jacob George

Professor Jacob George
Centre for Canadian Studies
Editor, Journal of Indo-Canadian Studies
Union Christian College, Alwaye-683 102
Kerala, India.

September 26, 2001

Dear Professor,

Greetings from the Centre for Canadian Studies, Union Christian College,
Alwaye, Kerala, India.

CFP: postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 5:25pm
Carol Goodman

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory


postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory is a
multi-disciplinary journal published annually by graduate students in
the Department of English at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Students either currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or having
recently graduated from one are invited to submit articles for
consideration. Interdisciplinary papers and essays responding to issues
of current debate within academia are especially encouraged.

UPDATE: Signatures: All Topics (e-journal)

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 4:38pm
Duncan Salkeld

X-posted from
----Please note the following new URL for SIGNATURES refereed onlinehumanities journal: Salkeld =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Sat Sep 22 2001 - 12:38:22 EDT

CFP: All topics (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 4:11pm
Henry Street

                           Henry Street:
                 A Graduate Review of Literary Study

  _Henry Street_, now entering its tenth year of publication, is an inter-
  national forum for graduate students of English and related disciplines.
  We invite submission of original and scholarly contributions to current
  research on literatures in English from all historical periods, material
  culture, pedagogy, and critical theory. In addition to welcoming papers
  from a broad range of critical perspectives, the journal is particularly
  receptive to unconventional or personal approaches that open new avenues
  of investigation in literary and cultural criticism.

CFP: Black Diaspora Drama Biographies (no deadline noted; database)

Friday, September 14, 2001 - 9:40pm
Jeremy Caleb Johnson

Biographical Entries Sought: Black Diaspora Drama

Alexander Street Press seeks short biographical entries for inclusion in its
BLACK DRAMA database.

Alexander Street Press—an electronic publishing firm noted for its Civil War
Letters and Diaries and for North American Women’s Letters and Diaries—is
publishing a full-text searchable database titled BLACK DRAMA. Integrating
rare, hard-to-find plays and popular, widely-produced plays by Blacks and
about Blacks, BLACK DRAMA encompasses the work of playwrights from the U.K.,
the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada, and Anglophone Africa.

CFP: 20th C. European Cultural Theorists, second series (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 7:35pm
Paul Hansom

I am currently seeking contributors for the second
volume of Twentieth Century European Cultural
Theorists, to be published by the Dictionary of
Literary Biography.

The assignments vary in length, but all should blend
biographical information with a critical assessment of
lives and works. If you are unfamiliar with DLB format
or expectations, please peruse volume one. Published
entries receive a small honorarium and a copy of the
Those interested should email me 3 preferences, with a
brief cv.

Articles available:

CFP: Asian American Short Story Writers (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, September 7, 2001 - 9:14pm
Guiyou Huang

>_Asian American Short Story Writers_. Qualified contributors are sought to
>for _Asian American Short Story Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical
>Sourcebook_, an original reference book to be published by Greenwood Press.
>Each contribution will include a biography, a discussion of major works and
>themes, a review of the critical response to the short story writer's works,
>and bibliographies of primary and secondary sources. For details, please
